All Committees of the LCFA shall operate as stated in Section 6-21 of the current bylaws.

Executive Committee
Larry Miller, Chairman
Tom Hoffman
John Sweigart
Roger Noll
LCFA President
LCFA Secretary

Following the Bylaws, the President & Secretary serve as non-voting members of this committee

Nominating Committee
Members of the Executive Committee

Fire Expo Committee
Jacque Creamer, Co-Chairman
Larry Miller, Chairman
Phyllis Miller
Leslie Fritz
Nick Summers
All Board Members

Bylaws Committee
Thomas Hoffman, Chairman
Audrey Noll
John Sweigart

Pequea Lane Committee
Steven Roy, Chairman
Larry Miller
Thomas Hoffman
Ken Barton
Scott Ryno
Ken Weber
Bryan Duquin

PA Fireman Committee
Greg Leaman, Chairman
Mark Fritz
Steven Roy
Audrey Noll

Finance Committee
John Sweigart, Treasurer, Chairman
Mark Fritz
Thomas Hoffman

LCFA Chaplain
Chaplains Corps of Lancaster County

Fire & Safety Education Committee
Audrey Noll, Chairman
Mark Fritz
Randy Gockley
Tom Hoffman

Bookstore Committee
John Sweigart, Chairman
Thomas Hoffman
Ken Weber
Greg Leaman

Publicity/Annual Meeting Committee
Greg Leaman, Chairman

LCF Education Foundation (Appointments)
Roger Noll, President
Tom Hoffman, Vice President
Audrey Noll, Secretary
John Sweigart, Treasurer
John Eitnier, Board Member
Steven Roy, Board Member
Randy Gockley, Board Member

LCPSTC Foundation (Appointments)
Roger Noll
Randy Gockley

PA FESI (Appointments)
Randy Gockley
Greg Leaman

FASP (Appointments)
Audrey Noll
Roger Noll